Development of Digital BIM Tools


Development of software for customized solutions for your BIM workflows, e.g. REVIT and ArchiCAD plug-ins, Autodesk Dynamo and Forge

Standardization is an important part of the BIM process, but the specific BIM workflows that your company utilizes are unique. We'll develop the right software solutions to ensure the easy technical implementation of Building Information Modeling.

  • Autodesk Dynamo plug-in: increase savings potential in project planning
  • Autodesk Forge development: web applications for Building Information Modeling at lower development costs
  • Development of custom plug-ins for Autodesk REVIT and Graphisoft ArchiCAD that map processes and automate workflows

Learn more in our section on Digital Transformation.

Our references

Entwicklung digitaler BIM Werkzeuge

Development of Digital BIM Tools

Creation of a customized REVIT plug-in
Saint-Gobain Germany & Austria
Steffen Lammertz, Head of Digital Experience
Why would you recommend Formitas AG to others?
„We use an interface-optimized plug-in for leading BIM CAD software to provide our extensive product library as BIM objects. To implement this complex project, both in the front and back end, we called formitas. They possess a unique level of expertise in BIM to develop the optimal, customer-and process-oriented, future-ready solution.“
Mitarbeiterfoto Kai Kasugai
Contact person
Dr. Kai Kasugai
Digital Transformation
Phone: +49 241 53 80 800
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