Über uns

our mission

We provide human-centered digital solutions, inspire the construction industry to embrace groundbreaking technologies and improve the quality of work and life for all.


  • New Work

    50 decision-makers

    Formitas employs a diverse team of about 50 people with unique lives filled with friends, family, dogs (well, some) and aspirations. They make decisions - big and small - every day based on their own needs, experiences and skills. Everyone has the opportunity to make decisions that affect their work.

  • Wir arbeiten wie wir sind.

    We bring all of who we are to work.

    We believe in self-management and the power of freedom with responsibility. Choosing where and how you work is the ideal point of departure for bold, innovative projects.

  • Hagen Schmidt-Bleker, CEO formitas

    Mistakes just reveal what's missing.

    Trial and error is a part of the creative process. When something doesn't work, we improve it or we simply start over. It's an important credo that we've upheld since the company was founded back in 1999.

  • New Work - Workshop

    We live New Work.

    We have developed our own organizational structure, which is inspired by holocracy and sociocratic principles. It's a structure that allows room for as many perspectives as there are seats at the table.


Formitas is a leading professional services company for the digitization of the construction industry. Applying our 20 years of experience, we work with our clients to develop integrated and differentiated solutions for efficient and transparent project management. Our interdisciplinary teams have gained practical expertise in over 300 BIM and digitalization projects. We leverage this broad-ranging experience across industries and help clients maximize their performance.

Formitas in numbers

Years in business
BIM and digitalization projects implemented
Gallons of coffee per year
Ping pong balls smashed


  • Grundwert Mut


    We confidently pursue new directions to shape the future.

  • Grundwert Offenheit


    We value diversity and welcome new perspectives, ideas and conversations.

  • Grundwert Individualität


    We make time for our own professional and personal development.

  • Grundwert Respekt


    We communicate honestly and cultivate relationships based on mutual respect.

  • Grundwert Vertrauen


    We empower each other to work independently within our organization.

  • Formitas Grundwert Neugierde


    We learn from each other and jointly create new knowledge.

the formitas story

  • 1999

    Formitas GbR is founded (later to become Formitas AG), offering digital planning support and the programming of internet-based database applications. The founders: Frank Jacobi and Hagen Schmidt-Bleker. Both are university students, and both are still hard at work at formitas today. Their first projects: websites for architects and engineers. Shortly after: 3-D visualizations of construction projects.

  • 2002

    In order to earn the title Architect, Hagen Schmidt-Bleker takes on a position at Carpus+Partner, a planning and architecture firm based in Aachen (later to become our sister company). The work at Formitas continues in the evenings (and nights).

  • 2005

    Hagen makes advances with 3D CAD planning and is one of the pioneer users of Autodesk Architecture. Carpus+Partner commissions Formitas to develop a new financial controlling system. Hagen works as an architect by day, and as a programmer on the new system in the evenings with Frank.

  • 2007

    Carpus+Partner and Formitas decide to join forces. Carpus+Partner's IT department migrates to the new company and there are new business areas: CAD, Architecture, Building Services and Process Technology. Thomas Geissler and Dirk Meinecke join the team as CAD administrators and consultants (for a total of five employees). The start-up offers IT services (today Digital Transformation) and 3D CAD (today Building Information Modeling).

  • 2009

    Formitas, the Research Institute for Rationalization (FIR), the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering of RWTH Aachen University and Carpus+Partner take part in the research project "Services for the Industrial Construction Process". It marks the start of a long enduring relationship with the RWTH Aachen University. The project is an important milestone for Formitas, as they recognize that 3D CAD is the future. Goal for the next year: "We will be the leading German BIM specialists".

  • 2010

    Formitas grows, now with ten employees and moves into new offices. Because of their ongoing relationship with FIR and WZL, they consider moving into offices at the new RWTH Campus Melaten. Formitas GmbH is one of the first companies to move into offices in Campus Boulevard 57 (still the company's headquarters).

  • 2013

    Many new colleagues join the company, most of which are referred by a thriving network of contacts at the architecture faculty. The principle of joint decision-making becomes increasingly challenging with 15 employees. Formitas employees (formitaten) develop a new, unique organizational structure, taking elements from sociocracy and holocracy. It's a New Work structure which still holds today and continues to evolve.

  • 2014

    Many employees live in Cologne, so the company considers opening an office there. During a Sunday stroll through the city, some formitaten think about which part of the city would be cool(est) for Formitas and come across the Rheinauhafen. It's now our Cologne office location.

  • 2015

    Some of our Greek colleagues working in Aachen, Germany recruit freelance architects in Athens. Shortly after this, Formitas opens an office there, which now employs four people.

  • 2016

    Joaquin Ramirez Brey, BIM Consultant and lecturer at Formitas Academy, opens the new office in Berlin, which now employs five people.

  • 2017

    Formitas transforms from a Ltd. to a plc, opening up the opportunity for all employees to become shareholders. Prof. Peter Russell, who was an educator of many formitaten at the RWTH university, becomes a member of the company's supervisory board.

  • 2019

    Formitas hires its 50th employee.

  • "Most of us spend about a third of our lives at work - quite a chunk of time, right? At formitas we work together every day to create an exciting work environment in which we all enjoy spending time."
    Hagen Schmidt-Bleker, CEO of Formitas
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